Hi, I’m Eric Zimmer. Behavior Coach and creator of the Spiritual Habits program.

At the age of 24, I was homeless, addicted to heroin, and facing a long jail sentence. It looked like my life was pretty much over. But, as it turns out, it wasn’t. I stand before you now, over 25 years later truly thriving in every part of my life.


I discovered powerful spiritual and behavioral principles that, when combined, allowed me to change my life drastically.

If I can turn things around with the challenges I faced, so can you.

These principles can be applied to your life, regardless of where you are, to help you live and experience your life in a more grounded, loving, strengthening, and creative way.

These are the principles I teach in the Spiritual Habits Group Program.

Spirituality looks different to everyone. Spiritual Habits come in all shapes and sizes, and the key is embracing what works for you.

Whether you’re a logical atheist, agnostic Christian, guided by Mother Earth or the Universe, or anything in between...

Spiritual Habits are simply a way to tap into something bigger than yourself and bring you to a place of strength, knowing, and peace.

I’ll teach you how to use core pillars of unchanging wisdom and apply them to your daily life so you can access a calm and centered presence, regardless of what’s happening around you.

Embracing these habits won’t take up more space and time in your life, it’ll give you the freedom to choose a new way of living that creates ease and fulfillment at every step.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel like you were actually living mindfully versus just reading and thinking about it?




Donate today & help us reach our $1M goal to preserve the polar bear’s Arctic home.

Polar bears live on the ice-covered waters of the arctic, relying almost entirely on shrinking sea ice for their survival.







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25-30 years









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“I Predict That We Could See Ice-Free Summers onthe North Pole Within a Decade.”


John Forsyth, Lead Researcher, The Canadian Polar Insitute



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Reducing industrial impacts

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Working together

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Monitoring populations

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Donate today & help us reach
 our $1M goal to preserve
 the polar bear’s Arctic home.


What You Get

What is the structure and format of the program?

The program consists of 8 weekly group calls with Eric Zimmer (Sundays from 12 pm - 1:30 pm Eastern time), 8 weekly calls with your curated smaller group (Wednesdays from 7 pm - 8 pm in your local time zone), recordings of all weekly calls so you can watch again on your own time if desired, and daily text and weekly email reminders and encouragement.

What if the session dates or times don’t work for me at all?

If you are unable to attend any of the live sessions, this probably isn’t the right program for you. Participation with other group members is an important part of this program and for your benefit as well as their benefit, we encourage program participants to attend as many live sessions as possible.

What if I can’t attend or miss a session?

If you can’t attend or miss a session, the teaching portion of all live sessions will be recorded and made available to you to watch as your schedule permits.

Do you offer a satisfaction guarantee?

Yes. If you are not 100% satisfied with the program, give us a chance to address your concerns. If after doing so you’re still not satisfied, we will refund your money.

Is this program affiliated with any particular religion?

No. The content of this program is not affiliated with any particular religion. In fact, the wisdom taught in this program can be found across religions, traditions, and belief systems. The content of this program can complement any religious practice or standalone as a personal daily practice.

Do I need to have an established meditation practice to participate in this program?

No, you do not need to have an established meditation practice in order to participate in this program. Meditators and non-meditators will both benefit from the content of this program.

All you need is an internet connection and a computer, tablet, or phone with a browser. The weekly live calls will be accessible via Zoom, and will include a number to call if you prefer to join by phone instead. Implementation support will be offered by way of daily text messages and weekly emails.

Do I need any special technology to participate?

As a bonus for signing up for this Spiritual Habits Group Program, you’ll receive a guide I put together: 12 Different Types of Meditation—And How to Know Which Is Right For You.

Meditation is one type of Spiritual Habit. If you’ve struggled to find a type of meditation that works well for you—or maybe you’re interested in trying a new type to see what your experience is like—then this resource will help you discover 12 different forms of meditation, and give you some guidance about how to know which might be right for you.

What You Practice
You Strengthen

I am a behavior coach, certified interfaith spiritual director, author, and the host of The One You Feed Podcast. I’m endlessly inspired by the quest for a greater understanding of how our minds work and how to intentionally create the lives we want to live.

At the age of 24, I was homeless, addicted to heroin, and facing long jail sentences. In the years since, I not only found a way to overcome these obstacles to create a life worth living, but I now  also help others to do the same.

I have worked as a behavior coach for the past 20 years, coaching thousands of people from around the world on how to make significant life changes and create habits that serve them well in achieving the goals they’ve set for themselves.

Our award-winning podcast, The One You Feed, is based on an old parable about two wolves at battle within us. With over 500 episodes and over 25 million downloads, the show features conversations with experts across many fields of study about how to create a more meaningful life.

Jonathan Fieldsauthor, entrepreneur and host of The Good Life Project podcast

"Eric Zimmer is incredibly transparent, real, and generous in the way he shares his story, overcoming addiction and rebuilding his life and career. As a guest on my podcast, Good Life Project, I loved learning how he approaches and examines life, as well as discovering the practices he's developed to illuminate a path forward. Eric is a great conversationalist and has so much to offer in helping others learn how to move through the more challenging times in life." 

Rick Hanson, PhD, author of “Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom”


Parker J. Palmer, author of "On the Brink of Everything," "Healing the Heart of Democracy," "Let Your Life Speak," and "The Courage to Teach"

"Eric has the unique ability to bring forth honest and often eye-opening revelations in his many conversations and interviews. He is also incredibly generous in the way he shares his unique perspective and insight with the world." 

All Materials © 2023 One You Feed | Terms | Privacy Policy

Who Is Eric Zimmer?

Acclaim for Eric Zimmer

“Eric explores profoundly important topics, and with intelligence, heart, and grace. His focus on "the one we feed” is so timely as we grapple with how to grow compassion, respect for others, and resilience in turbulent times.”

Learning how to put spiritual principles into sustainable daily practice is what saved my life

What You'll Learn

8 weekly live group sessions with Behavior Coach and Spiritual Director, Eric Zimmer 

8 additional weekly live sessions with your small group

Weekly email support and guidance to help you stay on track

Daily text message encouragement to help you implement key principles

Journal prompts for each week to help you deepen your experience

“Formal” Spiritual Habits for each week including guided meditations and meditation instruction 

“On The Spot” Spiritual Habits for each week to help you apply principles in the moments of your daily life

Our Guarantee! If you are not 100% satisfied with the program, we will refund you. See FAQs for full refund policy details.

Over 8 weeks, here’s what we’ll dive into together, learning and implementing along the way:


The Practice
of Transformation

Applied Spirituality: Build Spiritual Habits that Transform Your Life

• Learn the four principles that make it easy to build any habit.
• Discover the two surprising elements that drive all spiritual transformation.
• Learn the Small Action Formula for making big changes.


The Practice
of Compassion
Cultivate an Open Heart
and Mind

• Learn the myths that keep you disconnected from feelings of compassion.
• Find out the key qualities that foster learning and growth in everyone.
• Explore two questions that reorient you towards self-compassion.


The Practice
of Presence
Wake Up to The Moments of Your Life: Feel Connected, Focused, and Present

• Assemble your Presence Toolkit: Deepen your capacity for being in the present moment.
• Awaken to the extraordinary nature of the ordinary moments in your life.
• Uncover the secret to staying in the now.


The Practice of Freedom
Drop the Resistance: Free Yourself from Suffering

• Learn how to release your inner critic so that you can attain an inner calm.
• Remove the blocks that stand in the way of your Innate Power of Acceptance.
• Discover the Transcendence Protocol: How to rise above the dissatisfied mind.


The Practice
of Perspective
Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life: Stop Making Mountains out of Molehills and Have Better Control of Your Emotions

• Drop the stories that limit your life.
• Learn the powerful Perspective Question to help you let go in any difficult situation.
• Release the three things that all unhappy people hold on to.


The Practice
of Balance
The Middle Way: Get Rid of the All-Or-Nothing Thinking That’s Keeping You from a Deeper Spiritual Life

• How to step out of the all-or-nothing thinking that’s keeping you stuck.
Embrace Productive Realism: Learn to strike the perfect balance between optimism and pessimism.
Release the subconscious filters that are hampering your spiritual growth.


The Practice
of Generosity
The Most Powerful Spiritual Habit: How to Recharge, Center Yourself, and Live out Your Values

• Live from your Higher Self: Transcend the small self that’s keeping you stuck and closed off.
• Learn the Open Hand Technique to create expansion in your life.
• Embody the spiritual virtue of giving from the heart.


Assemble Your Spiritual Habits Toolkit
Pulling it all Together: Finalize Your Unique Path

• Create your customized Spiritual Habits Toolkit.
• Develop your personalized plan for ongoing transformation.
• Learn how to keep your path and toolkit in a constant upward spiral.

"Now I have a really healthy toolset that I can call upon consistently to support me. Spiritual Habits has helped me feel a lot calmer and maintain my perspective in life. I’m just more open to things and I don’t feel like I have to control as much."

Julie, Spiritual Habits Group Program participant

"As it has with all of us, this year has brought me and my family unprecedented personal challenges. The program has given me invaluable skills and practices to be able to better cope with those challenges. It has helped me to be the best version of myself during a trying time."

—Jane, Spiritual Habits Group Program participant


Rooted in ancient wisdom taught across traditions, spiritual principles enable us to access a deeper part of ourselves where the most liberating and lasting gifts reside.


The science of behavior change informs how we create sustainable habits considering the nature and mechanics of human tendencies and inclinations, and the underlying neuroscience.


Combine the science of behavior change with the wisdom of spiritual principles in your daily life so that you can embody and experience the deeper meaning you’ve been seeking in your life.


"I loved the reinforcement every week with the basic tenants and then how we expanded them out into different areas of life by implementing different practices. That was really good because it reinforced every session that we had."

Mel, Spiritual Habits Group Program Participant

"It's interesting because I've never been a religious person and I’ve always had a little bit of ambivalence around religion and even a little bit around the word spirituality. But I felt that I needed something to ground me and now I realize that Spiritual Habits was the thing that was missing in my life."

Julie, Spiritual Habits Group Program Participant

"For me, Spiritual Habits help me maintain contact with my higher power; in other words, getting out of myself and connecting with something bigger than myself. I need to intentionally put things in my life to make that happen and that’s what Spiritual Habits do. I keep coming back to the lesson about how to be a friend to yourself and the practical tips on how to do that throughout the day, even when life feels like chaos."

Dave, Spiritual Habits Group Program participant

But that’s not all.
You’ll also get…

An exclusive-to-the-group bonus to enhance your learning and improve consistency. Each module features a beautifully designed, hand-drawn, and downloadable visual note to help make the content more accessible, promote comprehension, improve recall, and create an emotional connection to what you’re learning.

Spiritual Habits Visual Notes

12 Types of Meditation Ebook

"I am less depressed. I feel calmer and more grounded, and continue to work on these habits daily. I am a daily meditator now!"

Paula, Spiritual Habits Group Program participant

What Are Spiritual Habits?

Stacking on the negative self-talk when you get distracted and struggle to stay disciplined with habits you’ve created for yourself

Breaking your own rules—starting strong and then letting habits slip even though you “know better”

Procrastinating or convincing yourself that a spiritual habit like meditation, intentional breathing, or a short walk in nature “won’t be that helpful” today

Struggling to let go of addictive or otherwise harmful behaviors to make space and time for healthy ones

Overthinking and letting negative thoughts spiral into anxiety

If you’ve lost track of what’s important to you, you’re not alone

Life has a way of interrupting our plans. 

From relationship issues to job changes, the death of a loved one, or general overwhelm. And when we get off track, it’s easy to get stuck in a pattern of avoidance or perfectionism. 

It can look like:

It’s not your fault.

It’s hard to have self-compassion when fear rears its ugly head.

Join the Waitlist

8 weeks to a deeper and more meaningful life experience.



Spiritual Habits


A non-religious mentorship & accountability experience—to establish simple daily practices that help you be more present, compassionate, and connected in your relationships and life.

Join the Waitlist

8 weeks to a deeper and more meaningful life experience.

"I finally started meditating almost every day and it feels like a new habit has formed. I have been trying for so long and this class has made it feel more accessible."

Elissa, Spiritual Habits Group Program participant

"By blending spirituality principles with earthly learned lessons, you have created a unique course, a truly inspiring experience, highly recommended."

Lenuta Hellen, Spiritual Habits Group Program participant

"There's something about the way Eric explains the ideas that is easily digestible, not too esoteric or mystical but common and relatable."

Nico, Spiritual Habits Group Program participant

“There’s always been this struggle for me in the disconnect between outwardly living versus inwardly living and trying to align those two. This program has allowed me the opportunity to pause and figure out how I can better align those two experiences. It’s helped me to be more present and peaceful. Spiritual Habits has been an invaluable tool to make sure that these lessons become part of my daily life as much as, say, brushing my teeth is important and part of my self-care ritual.”

Suzanne, Spiritual Habits Group Program participant


Spiritual Habits Group Program

A non-religious mentorship and accountability experience—to establish simple daily practices that help you be more present, compassionate, and connected in your relationships and life.

Join the Waitlist


Join Spiritual Habits Waitlist

Final questions you may be considering before building your Spiritual Habits daily practice


Habits That Stick


Next steps?


I’m honored to share the Spiritual Habits Scholarship. We believe every person deserves the opportunity to build Spiritual Habits you can turn to for wisdom, strength, perspective, and calm presence.

This is for you if you are: experiencing financial hardship, BIPOC, or AAPI. Apply here.

Join the Waitlist